Studio DERMO "Concept"

Côte d'Azur Haute-Corse

Hair micropigmentation

Hair micropigmentation

Micropigmentation of the scalp is an innovative technique, which offers immediate natural and lasting results.

Another advantage of this innovative technique, scalp dermopigmentation does not require a period of convalescence. Thus, the patient can resume normal activity at the end of the session.

It requires both real know-how, high-precision tools and a highly developed artistic sense.

It is aimed at people embarrassed by their baldness and wishing to camouflage sparse areas and to those, men or women, who suffer from alopecia or loss of hair density.
It can also be used post-operatively to hide a scar on the scalp or to intensify the results of a hair transplant.

It consists of a micro-tattoo of the scalp to create a trompe l'oeil capillary densification or to imitate the regrowth of hair on entirely hairless areas with a "shaved head effect".

No special preparation is required other than shaving the head when requesting a tattoo of the hair with a "shaved head" effect.

The duration of the session may vary depending on the size of the area to be treated and plseveral sessions may be necessary.

Treatment and follow-up are always personalized and theThe color of the pigments is chosen to get as close as possible to the patient's hair and the technique used is adapted to each case
micropigmentation capillaire, tatouage cheveux effet
calvitie, pigmentation du cuir chevelu avec
Below, micropigmentation of the scalp "shaved head effect". Here we have redefined the frontal line in a natural way
Micropigmentation du cuir chevelu
Below, scalp micropigmentation following female alopecia. Here we simulated a higher hair density by tattooing the skull on the sparse areas
alopécie féminine, densification capillaire par micropigmentation du cuir chevelu
alopécie féminine, densification capillaire par micropigmentation du cuir chevelu
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